Fort Summit KOA – Lake Buena Vista, FL

Campground and RV Park Reviews |

Fort Summit KOA was disappointing. The campground is expensive, but they do have a good cable selection. The bathhouses are a bit of a mess, with trash scattered around the campground. There are little invisible burrs (that make the dogs wince in pain) in the area where you are directed to walk your dogs. Why other campers did not clean up after their dogs is probably related to the trash everywhere and the horrible smells coming from the overused and infrequently placed dumpsters. There were ants at our site but they were taken care of almost immediately by the nice staff, but in a real toxic mess of some liquid that we wished, afterwards, we had not solicited, because of the dogs sniffing around it.

There’s another campground right next door, but it didn’t look much better. We even had to say something to these teenagers that were going to walk through our site and stepping right over our hookups for no apparent reason other than they wanted to go that way, which was not even faster or more direct for them. Ultimately, we asked this nice older couple in a class A (from Ohio: Hey there, thanks again!) to watch our van while we went to the wedding (fifty grand if you want to know!) because we worried about our site’s safety… and believe me, we aren’t normally worriers about this sort of thing.

There were lots of unsupervised, moody/unfriendly, and weird teenagers (is that too redundant?). This is the truth of it, and this bad review is beyond the owner’s(‘) or management’s abilities.

The traffic up I-4 is a nightmare whenever the sun is up! And worse are the other people camping… RUDE! No kids with us, so maybe we’re just not used to it, but weren’t there some spoiled and rude kids there! Lots of political bumperstickers, mostly supporters (if you get my drift here), for any campground, which is normally an apolitical place.

Oh… the sites were not level. It took us about a half hour to find the least tilt on our pretty average site. There was nowhere to walk or run. It was hot, noisy with constant traffic, and the way some of these families in their tow-vehicle minivans drive to get their precious kids to see Mickey! We’d sooner stay at a WalMart parking lot than here again.



  1. We stayed at this KOA during our visit to the area in July 07′. It was OK at best as long as you only stayed there to sleep but I would not go back again. The sites had easy access but that’s about the only good thing I can think of. We also had some trouble site being more unlevel than it should have been.

    We happened to be there with a number of good campers around so not trusting our things didn’t cross our minds though I could see having the concern at this campground if we were not so lucky with our timing.

    It was rather frustrating after driving all night our kids could not enter the arcade without an adult. That was a first for us. Our site was dirty, not raked ….some kids fake “red neck” teeth was found near the picnic table. They remained on the ground during our entire stay. The grass was taller than it should have been but they did com around after numerous palms had fallen after some high winds and picked those up. Our cable hookup lacked the male end and I asked to have it checked but ended up finding an adapter I had and fixed the thing myself after waiting a few hours for them to take care of it.

    The pool was open 24hrs but was a bit skunky looking. I was with the kids at the somewhat rundown playset and saw several mangey looking cats/kittens roaming the pool area. I gave up on any idea of a swim.

    We enjoyed Fla but not the Summit KOA. We were happy to pull out of there and would not recommend it unless you happen to feel a little daring.


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