Crow Butte Campground – Patterson, WA

Crow Butte Campground |

Crow Butte Campground is a great park and on my “keeper” list. Crow Butte is on a small island in the Columbia River, by the Umitilla National Wildlife Reserve, off Hwy 14. Once a state park, it was turned over to either a private corporation or county, not sure which… but it retains its great state park atmosphere.

We stayed here last October and shared the park with possibly 5 other rigs and there are 100s of spaces, each with electricity, water and sewer. The wildlife was spectacular, we saw deer wandering thru the park, elk on the hills above us, ducks, geese, etc…

There are swimming beaches for the kids. A word of warning… there are poisonous snakes in the area and all children need to have the “do not touch snakes” lecture.

Crow Butte Campground
165215 W. Crow Butte Road
Paterson, WA 99345


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